Root/Unroot Samsung Galaxy W (I8150)
<_div align="center" style="background: rgb(251, 248, 244); margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: center; line-height: 130%;">
For the record, rooting causes a violation of the
garantuee policy of Samsung. Furthermore there is a possibility of demaging the
Android-system(bricking). This has not happend as far as I know, but it should
be mentioned. As advanced user it is usually always possible to recover the
system, but still, just to let you know.
So whoever takes
the risk, takes the responsibility
Advice: Use a PC without any drivers or software from other Android devices,
this may causes conflicts with the drivers in the ADB.
Rooting via
Recovery mode(SD card)
Note: This instructions is written for the stock recovery. It has been
reported that custom recoverys are causing problems during rooting. If you use
a custom recovery which causes problems, please flash the stock recovery via ODIN
first(scroll down to Other). Than apply the rooting
1. Download this Zip-file
copy this into the internal SD card.
2. While switched off, keep the following buttons pressed. Release the
power-button once the Samsung Galaxy W(I8150) is switched on.
As soon as you see the Android with the box, release the Home- and Volume
After you hit the menu-button shown on the last image, the screen will gray
out, you will have to wait until the recovery menu appears.
3. Navigate with the volume up and down to apply sdcard:update.zip in
Recovery Menu. To confirm your selection use the home-button.
4. Choose (with volume buttons) the update.zip file on your internal sd
card and confirm again with Home-button. You will have to wait 5 seconds.
5. Now choose reboot system now and confirm with home button.
Now you device should be rooted.
The original thread
Rooting with
the manual method
Note: It has been reported that this method no longer work for firmwares
later than LA2.
1.a On the Mobile: Got to Settings -> Applications -> Development
-> and checkmark USB debugging.
1.b Auf dem Handy: Geht auf Settings -> Applications -> and checkmark
Unknown sources.
2.Connect the device to your PC(USB) and wait until all the drivers have
been successfully installed .
3. Download and install the Android SDK.
4. Download thisZip-File and
extract all the files into the folder platform-tools, which should be
located by default at C:\program files\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools.
5. Run CMD(prompt) (as Administrator) (and change the direction on: C:\program
To do so you will have to enter following command in the prompt: Code: <_div style="background: rgb(249, 246, 241); padding: 5pt; border: 1pt inset currentColor; border-image: none; mso-element: para-border-div; mso-border-alt: inset windowtext .75pt;"> chdir
C:\program files\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools (Every line/row has to be confirmed with the
ENTER-Key to get to the following line) 6. Now enter
following code in the prompt: Code: <_div style="background: rgb(249, 246, 241); padding: 5pt; border: 1pt inset currentColor; border-image: none; mso-element: para-border-div; mso-border-alt: inset windowtext .75pt;"> adb
push zergRush_samsung_w /data/local/ adb
shell (Every line/row has to be confirmed with the
ENTER-Key to get to the following line) 7. You should be
now in the ADB Shell, now enter following code:
INFO: The $-sign in the prompt is to indicate that you are in the
ADB-shell Code: <_div style="background: rgb(249, 246, 241); padding: 5pt; border: 1pt inset currentColor; border-image: none; mso-element: para-border-div; mso-border-alt: inset windowtext .75pt;"> chmod
755 /data/local/zergRush_samsung_w /data/local/zergRush_samsung_w Now you will have
to wait 3-4 minutes. If this step was successful the following last two lines
will appear:
[+] Rush did it ! It's a GG, man !
[+] Killing ADB and restarting as root..enjoy!
8. Now you should be out of the ADB-shell(no $-sign) Now you will
have to enter the following code in the prompt: Code: <_div style="background: rgb(249, 246, 241); padding: 5pt; border: 1pt inset currentColor; border-image: none; mso-element: para-border-div; mso-border-alt: inset windowtext .75pt;"> adb
remount adb
push Superuser.apk /system/app/ adb
push su /system/bin/ adb
shell After the last entry you will get back into the
ADB-shell($-sign). 9. In the ADB-shell
you will have to enter: Code: <_div style="background: rgb(249, 246, 241); padding: 5pt; border: 1pt inset currentColor; border-image: none; mso-element: para-border-div; mso-border-alt: inset windowtext .75pt;"> chmod
644 /system/app/Superuser.apk chmod
4755 /system/bin/su reboot INFO: 4755 stands for read and write permissions,
so this is not a tipping error!
After the restart you Samsung Galaxy W should be rooted. 10. You may have to
update Superuser via the Android market ->Menu-Button->My Apps Superuser
-> update.
Have fun with the root access!!!
The original post
Rooting with the
auto-method(DoomLord v.3) (for Windowsuser)
Note: It has been reported that this method no longer work for firmwares
later than LA2.
1.a On the Mobile: Got to Settings -> Applications -> Development
-> and checkmark USB debugging.
1.b On the Mobile: Got to Settings -> Applications -> and checkmark
Unknown sources.
2.Connect the device to your PC(USB) and wait until all the drivers have
been successfully installed .
3. Download this Zip-File and
extract all the files into a random folder.
4. Run the runme.bat-file as Administrator
and press any key.
5. Now you will have to wait for 3-6 Minuten. The program will
have to process all the necessary steps.
6. If you get the message "ALL DONE!!!" you device should be
successfully rooted.
7. You may have to update Superuser via the Android market
->Menu-Button->My Apps Superuser -> update.
Have fun with the root access!!!
The original thread
Unrooting via Recovery mode(SD
IMPORTANT: Only use this method if
you have used the rooting method via Recovery mode !!! I personally haven't tested it
yet, so it is not confirmed by my person.
1. Download this Zip-file
copy this into the internal SD card.
2. While switched off, keep the following buttons pressed. Release the
power-button once the Samsung Galaxy W(I8150) is switched on.
As soon as you see the Android with the box, release the Home- and Volume
After you hit the menu-button shown on the last image, the screen will gray
out, you will have to wait until the recovery menu appears.
3. Navigate with the volume up and down to apply sdcard:update.zip in
Recovery Menu. To confirm your selection use the home-button.
4. Choose (with volume buttons) the unroot.zip file on your internal sd
card and confirm again with Home-button. You will have to wait 5 seconds.
5. Now choose reboot system now and confirm with home button.
Now you device should be now unrooted.
The original thread
================================================== ==============================================
Automated unrooting DoomLord(for
IMPORTANT: Only use this method if
you have used the automated rooting method of DoomLord !!! I personally haven't tested it
yet, so it is not confirmed by my person.
1.a On the Mobile: Got to Settings -> Applications -> Development
-> and checkmark USB debugging.
1.b On the Mobile: Got to Settings -> Applications -> and checkmark
Unknown sources.
2.Connect the device to your PC(USB) and wait until all the drivers have
been successfully installed .
3. Download and install this Zip-file and
extract all the files into a random folder.
4. Run the runme-UNROOT.bat-file as Administrator
and press any key.
5. Now you will have to wait for 3-6 Minuten. The program will
have to process all the necessary steps.
6. If you get the message "ALL DONE!!!" you device should be
successfully unrooted.
The original thread
Thanks to
qzem who helped me unrooting my device and wrote the instruction of most
of the manual rooting method :thumbup:
team Revolutionary
Please let me know whom else I should add!
I have only written the instructions! <_div align="center" style="background: rgb(251, 248, 244); margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: center; line-height: 130%;">
Last edited by THE-E; 21st February 2012 at 02:00 AM. Reason: Reorder methods, add KeksKlip in Credits